STATION is a sonic collection. Born of sound managment and interior acoustic treatment, it presents three pieces that capture integral moments through reflection and absorption. Ambient noise is an active component of personal and public space, and it’s often unchecked. Three key components make up a sonic environment: a source, a transmittance path, and a receiver of sound emitted from a source. Sources and receivers vary; they are people, objects, animals, and any other obvious noise producer. The path is composed of surrounding air that’s influenced by sources and receivers, and anything an between. Sound can be reflected, absorbed, dampened while on its path, and what’s utilized is dependent on a space’s unique geometry. STATION gives users the tools to do so.
Three key components make up a sonic environment: a source, a transmittance path, and a receiver of sound emitted from a source. Sources and receivers vary; they are people, objects, animals, and any other obvious noise producer. The path is composed of surrounding air that’s influenced by sources and receivers, and anything an between. Sound can be reflected, absorbed, dampened while on its path, and what’s utilized is dependent on a space’s unique geometry. STATION gives users the tools to do so.
True compartmentalization of sound demands large fixtures in large space and often results in obnoxious form. When sound insulation can’t be truly executed, it can be suggested by fixture placement.
Fixtures should have individual value but can be systematized. Level of control can be determined by number of pieces used and configuration of each, and be placed circumstantially in a variety of spaces.
Acoustic management solutions are static, often utilized as filler in dead space. While architecturally integrated solutions can control unmanaged sounds in large areas, modern cacophony is difficult to contain by means of individual product. Sound within an everyday mix can, and should be emphasized or deemphasized. In a residential scenario that finds itself in a variety of sonic situations, modifiable, multi-faceted acoustic management products are a necessity.